Schwimmkäfer (Dytiscidae) Sachsen-Anhalts

Identifikation des Arteninventars (Schwimmkäfer) ausgewählter FFH-Gebiete des ländlichen Raums von Sachsen-Anhalt im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes (2015)

Posted By: Dr. Gerald Moritz Last Updated: 22.12.2019 Views: 22514
Key Author(s): Brandt, S. & Moritz, G. Key Publisher: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, LKS Key Version: 1.0
Pest thrips of East Africa

Identification and information tools for pest thrips of East Africa (family and subfamily key)

CD-Version 2013 ISBN 978-1-74272-067-8

Posted By: Dr. Gerald Moritz Last Updated: 22.12.2019 Views: 63848
Key Author(s): Moritz G, Brandt S, Triapitsyn S, Subramanian S Key Publisher: QAAFI, Biological Information Technology (QBIT, Brisbane) Key Version: 1.2
Pest thrips of the world

An identification and information system using molecular and microscopical methods.

(CD-Version 2004: ISBN 1-86499-781-8)

Posted By: Dr. Gerald Moritz Last Updated: 22.12.2019 Views: 55488
Key Author(s): Moritz G, Mound LA, Morris DC, Goldarazena A Key Publisher: QAAFI Biological Information Technology (QBIT) Key Version: 1.1
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