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This subfamily is the largest major group within the Thysanoptera, with about 2500 described species and possibly almost as many undescribed species. A large proportion of these species feed only on fungal hyphae, such as members of the genera Hoplandrothrips and Phlaeothrips. A second substantial group includes species that feed only on green leaves, such as species of the genus Liothrips. Members of this group often induce galls, such as the species of Gynaikothrips, and many of these species are specific to particular host plants. A third considerable group of species is related to the genus Haplothrips; these are commonly found in flowers and also the flowering heads of grasses, and they are the phlaeothripines most commonly taken in quarantine. Finally, a very few species have other feeding habits, such as predation on other arthropods, or feeding on mosses. The generic classification of this sub-family is very difficult to use, and no introduction to the Australian fauna exists.