light brown to brown, tarsi and tibiae yellow, also antennal segments
I-V; forewing pale, with small dark cross band in basal half and a more
diffuse shaded area on distal half. Head reticulate, cheeks parallel
sided but constricted to basal neck; vertex with 2 pairs of large but
translucent flattened setae. Antennae 7-segmented, VII almost as long
as previous segment; sense cone on III & IV short and simple. Pronotum
with 1 pair of large, flattened posteroangular setae, discal area and
posterior margin with similar but smaller setae. Mesonotum not divided
medially. Metanotum with median area reticulate, with 1 pair of setae
medially and 1 pair of campaniform sensilla. Tarsi 1-segmented. Forewing
exceptionally broad with reticulate membrane, veinal setae broad with
thickened median rhachis, costa without cilia, posteromarginal cilia
wavy. Abdominal tergites without reticulation, median setae small; VIII
without a marginal comb; X with complete median division. Sternites with
3 pairs of small marginal setae. |