First-time user - Quick start
This short tutorial will help you to learn how to use this
identification system to "Pest thrips of North America" based
on LucID. It will take only a few minutes for you to become familiar with:
- the basic operations needed to identify your specimen and how to use fact sheet fusion files.
This "
Pest thrips of North America" key is
a powerful yet simple interactive identification and information system. It
will allow you to identify and find information about the biology of nearly
100 species in the order Thysanoptera. "
Pest thrips of North America" operates
under the LucID System 3.4 and works on all common plattforms (Windows, Mac,
Linux or Sun). This short tutorial describes step by step the features or functions
of the LucID Player during an identification process. Please note that this
tutorial substitutes does not the important information in the extensive
help files of the LucID player system.
Further details to this identification and information system are available by
clicking the corresponding buttons:
thrips and tospoviruses
crop introduction
molecular identification
- To start the key please click the "Start Key"-button
on the opening screen.